In the Namek saga Goku got a 33x zenkai to go from his base being 90,000 to being 3,000,000. 100% true form Freeza loses to Super Saiyan Goku in a hard fought fight on ue form Cooler fights base Goku in movie 5 and admits the power he just displayed is enough to take down Freeza.

Post zenkai base Goku in movie 5 is in the range of Super Saiyan Goku as seen on Namek.

So Cooler's true form should rival Freeza's true form. That's the line from the original Japanese version. Movie 5 post zenkai base Goku > 100% Freeza is a stated fact.Īfter Cooler fights Goku's base form, he stands on the rocks and says "you do as well as I expected, enough to have defeated my brother". Cooler reduced him to practically fodder-level with a single blast, not even Freeza did that during his beatdown. Vegeta from being blasted by Kuririn and healed by Dende, went from a PL of roughly 500,000 (powerful enough to successfully scruffle with Freeza in his weakest form, albeit Freeza was still suppressing his full power even in that form) to a PL of at least above 2,120,000 (assuming a logical 2x boost for each "limiter" form of Freeza's, then 1st Suppression would be 2,120,000, and post-Zenkai Vegeta was definitely above that level to even remotely believe himself to have a chance at taking any percentage of True Form He did, but note that Movie #5 Goku before he recieved his Zenkai was equal to his PL during the last stages of the Freeza Saga (there's no other way or time he would have possibly mistaken Cooler for his brother). Goku after his time in the rejuvanation chamber, went from a base PL of 90,000 to one of 3,000,000 over a 33x increase. Two zenkais for two different characters in the past have elevated PLs easily comparable to a 50x transformation boost: